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Tips & Tricks | Cherry Tomatoes

Do you ever see those videos on Facebook that show an easy hack in the kitchen? Then do you watch it in awe and think...hmm there is no way that actually works that easily. I know I have!

So today I present to you the most recent trick I saw and that I tried! I am happy to say that it really was as easy as it looked. The overall idea is that you can slice cherry tomatoes or grapes by slicing a lot at once. You put them in between two plates and run your knife along all of them. Tah-dah! You're done. Not only that, you've done something more quickly and without having to buy another gadget. I come from the Pampered Chef school of thought that unless the tool can do more than one thing, it doesn't belong in my kitchen drawer. I also wanted to be a Pampered Chef consultant growing up, but that is another story for another day.

Here is what you need:

  • 2 plates that have edges on the bottom

  • A knife

  • Your choice of tomatoes or grapes

First you place one plate upside down and put your tomatoes within the edge of the plate (see below).

Then you place another plate, right side up so that the edges of both plates are holding the tomatoes in. Then you put some pressure with one hand on the top of the plate, while your other hand slices through the batch of tomatoes.

A few seconds later you have 15-20 tomatoes that are perfectly sliced in half!

Sometimes you find these hacks online that take so long to setup that by the time you are done, you could've just done it by the old method. This is not one of those hacks. It was so easy to setup and so easy to slice.



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